Volker Hüls, Editor
I have created to contribute to the global thinking on law and development. The academic content was created by a group of likeminded individuals, most of them graduates of the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) who share a strong interest in the concept.

As a professional in aid management with 15 years experience in developing countries I understand the limitations of international and national organisations in implementing the idea of law and development.

In my work I have focussed on specific issues where legal rules influence development, but also on how international organisations can get better at implementing their programmes in countries most affected by poverty, conflict, or natural disasters.

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I have consequently specialized in building better systems and business process to deliver results. Please look at my non-academic work on my other website »

I am the author of these articles on

» Soft Law, Hard Compliance
» State Responsibility under International Law
» Sanitation Policy for Somaliland
» Children and the Right to Water
» Making Economic Growth work for the Poor

Other Links:

» Somalia's ratification of children's rights convention requires institutional reform

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